Configure the Kalix CLI

The Kalix command-line interface (CLI) complements the Console interface and makes most deployment and configuration operations available from the command line. This page shows the use of common commands. The List of kalix commands page links to all commands.

Check periodically to make sure you have the latest kalix command installed. The command kalix version prints the version number of kalix. Download the latest version as described in Install the Kalix CLI.


Generally, kalix is followed by a command, with optional sub-commands and parameters. You may also supply flags, preceded by -- (two hyphens) that modify the operation of the command-line client itself.

Log in

To use the kalix CLI, you must authenticate your command line client with your Kalix account. Entering auth login at the command line launches the Kalix login screen in your default browser. The command line client prints Waiting for UI login…​ and pauses. After you log in and click Authorize, the command line prompt returns.

Upon successful authentication, if your account contains:

  • One project, the CLI reports that it is the current project, which will be the target of subsequent commands.

  • No projects, in this case explicitly set the target project after creating a project.

  • Multiple projects, you need to explicitly set the target. Use kalix projects list to see all of your projects.)

To log in, enter:

kalix auth login

To set the target project to my-project:

kalix config set project my-project

Enter kalix auth -h at the command line, or see kalix auth for other authentication related commands.

Traversing proxies

In some corporate environments, transparent decrypting HTTP proxy servers are used, and often these proxy servers don’t support HTTP/2. The kalix CLI uses gRPC to communicate with backend services, which requires HTTP/2. In these environments, Kalix can be configured to use grpc-web instead, which works over HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2.

To configure kalix to use grpc-web, when logging in, run:

kalix auth login --use-grpc-web

Once logged in, the kalix CLI will continue to use grpc-web for all subsequent commands without requiring the --use-grpc-web flag.

If you are already logged in, but need to enable grpc-web, this can be done by running:

kalix config set api-server-use-grpc-web true

Administer Kalix projects

Enter kalix projects -h at the command line.

See kalix projects for a complete list of commands to manage your Kalix projects.

Create a new project

kalix projects new sample-project "An example project in Kalix"

The kalix projects new NAME [DESCRIPTION] command creates a new project in your Kalix account.

To mark the new project as the current project and thus the target of subsequent commands, use the following command:

kalix config set project sample-project

List projects

kalix projects list

The kalix projects list command lists a quick one-line summary of all projects accessible from the Kalix account. The current project is indicated with an asterisk *.

Add container registry credentials

kalix docker add-credentials \
  --docker-server \
  --docker-username myself \
  --docker-password secret

Allow Kalix to retrieve container images from private repositories by using the kalix docker add-credentials [flags] command to add a set of container registry credentials to the project. The flags are:

  • --docker-server string The docker server, for example

  • --docker-username string The docker username

  • --docker-password string The docker password

  • --docker-email string The docker email address

See kalix docker -h or kalix docker for a complete list of commands to manage Docker credentials.
For information about using Kalix Container Registry (KCR) or other external container registries, see Configure a container registry.

Administer services

The kalix services commands manipulate the services in your current Kalix project.

List services

kalix services list

The kalix services list command lists a one-line summary of all services under the current project.

Deploy a service

kalix services deploy \
    my-service \

The kalix services deploy service-name docker-image command deploys a service named service-name using the docker-image.

For information about setting up container registry credentials to authorize Kalix to pull from your image repository, see Configure a container registry.

Expose a service route

kalix services expose my-service --enable-cors

The kalix services expose service-name command creates a route to expose a service for inbound traffic. Optionally, you can enable HTTP CORS with the --enable-cors flag.

View service logs

kalix services logs my-service

The kalix services logs service-name command returns logging output for your service.

View service details

kalix services get my-service

The kalix services get service-name shows the description of a specific service in the current project.