Create a new project

Project names

A Kalix project must have a name and can have a description. It is good practice to name and describe the project so that you and other project members can identify it and its purpose.

A project is created in a region determining the cloud provider and the geographical region within that provider.

Create a new project

To create a new project, follow the steps below:

  1. If you haven’t done so yet, install the Kalix CLI and log into your account:

    kalix auth login
  2. Create a project by substituting your project name and placing a short project description name in quotes, followed by the region flag and last the organization flag. Check for the available regions with kalix regions list. The region list command will also print the organizations.

    kalix projects new <projectname> "project description" --region=<region> --organization=<org>

    For example:

    kalix projects new my-kalix-proj "My Kalix Project" --region=gcp-us-east1 --organization=my-organization

    When the command is successfully completed a response is returned similar to the following:

    NAME           DESCRIPTION   ID                                     OWNER                                       REGION
    my-kalix-proj   "My ..        xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx   id:"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"   gcp-us-east1
    'my-kalix-proj' is now the currently active project.

Project names must conform to the following:

  • Up to 63 characters

  • Can include:

    • lowercase letters

    • numbers

    • hyphens (-)

  • Must not:

    • start or end with hyphens (-)

  • Cannot include:

    • underscores (_)

    • spaces

    • non-alphanumeric characters